As of January 1st, 2022 Seasons Financial Group, LLC and SageOak Financial, LLC have merged firms and SageOak’s LLC is the surviving legal entity.
We will continue to operate under both the Seasons and SageOak® brand names for the foreseeable future as we work towards integrating our firms behind the scenes throughout 2022.
For more details about this announcement, please see the information below that is applicable to you…
Seasons Financial Group Clients
Please reference the merger letter from Stan Rickner and Steve Ellis that was sent out to clients in late November/early December 2021.
SageOak Financial Clients
If you are a current client of Seasons or SageOak and have any questions about this merger and how it impacts you, please do not hesitate to call us at (918) 627-3700 and we’ll be happy to assist.
We look forward to continue serving you and your family in 2022 and beyond!